Cosmetic & Functional Rhinoplasty Surgeon, Ear Nose, Throat, Head & Neck Surgeon


Dr Jumeau has prepared a series of videos discussing his background, philosophy, the patient experience, and what makes Melbourne Rhinoplasty different.

Please note: this page contains content of surgeries that may be confronting to some viewers.

Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Biography
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Philosophy
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - The Difference

Informative rhinoplasty videos

Dr Jumeau has prepared a series of videos discussing various rhinoplasty topics.

Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Patient Experience
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Open vs. Closed
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Skin Envelope
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Piezotome
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Athletes
Melbourne Rhinoplasty Video Placeholder - Nose Cone

Operative video 1

The entire septal cartilage removed as a single piece illustrating the abnormal intrinsic twist resulting in nasal blockage and affecting the external appearance. The portions of cartilage and thin bony plate are demonstrated. This will be reconstructed, reinforced and reinserted (extra-corporeal septoplasty).

Operative video 2

Short highlight clip outlining the final stages of rib cartilage harvesting for nasal reconstruction. This process normally takes about 30 minutes and as you can see results in quite a large portion of cartilage than can be used for grafts in the nose. The incision is only 15-30mm in size depending mostly on chest wall thickness. The patient in the video is a man with a thick chest wall and yet a small 20mm incision is still expected.

Operative image 1

Sutured 20mm incision after rib cartilage harvest. Very inconspicuous scar results.
Sutured 20mm incision after rib cartilage harvest

Operative image 2

Almost 60mm of cartilage in this case is more than enough for addressing all the elements necessary in total nasal reconstruction.