Table of Contents
Rhinoplasty in Melbourne
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose-job or nose surgery, alters the nose's external appearance. It is performed for cosmetic and/or functional (improve nasal airway) purposes; very often both.
Rhinoplasty should always look to maintain (and in most cases strengthen) structural supports to the nose to preserve or restore an excellent nasal airway and achieve a long-lasting result. The appearance of the nose with surgery is always of utmost importance as form follows function. Historically, rhinoplasty to improve appearance has led to a weakening of the structure and a compromise to function (blocked nose) and a deterioration in appearance over time. This need not be the case. From these essential goals (good function, pleasing appearance and maintained framework support), the term “Structural Rhinoplasty” has been coined as is a good descriptor. Dr Jumeau only performs structural rhinoplasty.
A large proportion of Dr Jumeau’s work is in the field of rhinoplasty. A large proportion of this work is for revision (corrective) rhinoplasty or following significant trauma or disease where often complex reconstructions are necessary.
Sinus surgery can also be done during rhinoplasty. However, only minor sinus procedures are combined. If major sinus disease/infections existed, then this would be remedied before the rhinoplasty.
For further reading/education, both the websites for the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RSE) and The Rhinoplasty Society (USA) can be helpful. Dr Jumeau is a member of both these societies.
What makes Melbourne Rhinoplasty different?

Dr Jumeau is a very experienced rhinoplasty surgeon. His professional activities (work, teaching, and research) are solely dedicated to nasal reconstruction.
He enjoys a very hands-on approach. He gets to know his patients well pre-op, and they receive personalised, detailed, frequent aftercare.
He performs a lot of quite complex nasal work, and a good result in rhinoplasty is not just about getting the operation right but about excellent PO management. He takes this detailed approach in everyone, revision or primary surgery. Unlike nearly all other surgery, a poor result in rhinoplasty can be the result of poor aftercare.
Post-operative care is all done by Dr Jumeau: His hands remove your sutures, his eyes check how you’re doing, and his ear at the end of the phone after hours if there are concerns. This approach is very uncommon in rhinoplasty. Revision surgery can sometimes be the last chance to get things right. Sometimes, more surgery can’t be done, and it’s important to feel every effort has been made to get things the best they can be with the surgery and the aftercare.
So that’s really the main difference. Melbourne Rhinoplasty is a very specialised rhinoplasty practice. We don’t build hype or suggestive sell other surgical procedures or injectables – Filler and botox. Despite having some experience in these areas, we do not perform other facial plastic cosmetic procedures or run as an injectables practice.
Melbourne Rhinoplasty is Dr Jumeau’s private practice.
What to expect from surgery

Before any rhinoplasty surgery, you will typically have an initial consultation with Dr Jumeau. During which, Dr Jumeau will examine you and discuss your concerns.
If proceeding with surgery, he will schedule another appointment with you. During which, Dr Jumeau will detail the specifics of your surgery, outline the normal peri-operative course, address the risks, and answer any additional questions you may have. Sometimes these subsequent visits involve image altering/morphing software to help patients conceptualise potential aesthetic changes. All patients undergoing rhinoplasty surgery will have pre and post-operative photos taken. Often Dr Jumeau will organise for a CT sinuses scan before your surgery.
Please note that rhinoplasty is a complex surgery. Multi-revision rhinoplasty (or following significant nasal trauma) can be complicated and carry substantial risks. Every patient has differing needs, desires, and nasal structures, requiring an individualised approach. The surgeon and patient need to both be happy to proceed with surgery. Consultations via email do not adequately embrace this process. However, in some instances, one pre-op consult can sometimes be arranged as a video call (there are usually two or more pre-op consults).
If interested in rhinoplasty surgery with Dr Jumeau, please read the attached information sheet below.
What is the cost of rhinoplasty surgery in Melbourne?
There is no one answer to this question of cost, as a rhinoplasty can vary. A straightforward procedure addressing the nasal airway in someone who has not had surgery before can take between 1.5 – 2 hours. A significant reconstruction addressing all structural elements of the nose using costal (rib) cartilage in someone who has had several previous procedures may take upward of 6 hours.
If there is an impact on your nasal airway, then a proportion of the fee may be eligible for a rebate through Medicare and your private health insurance. This amount will vary according to which fund you are with and what level of cover you have.
If your procedure is purely cosmetic or the Australian Medicare system does not cover you, no rebates are available.
Surgical fees
At the time of your first consult, all fees and rebates are accurately quoted. The following are the fees associated with the surgery:
- Dr Jumeau’s surgery fee
- Anaesthetic fee
- Hospital stay fee
What results can be achieved

Dr Jumeau’s surgical philosophy centres around achieving attractive and natural-looking noses with excellent nasal airways.
Dr Jumeau will extensively discuss your expectations of rhinoplasty during your initial consultations. He will start by asking you what you are hoping to achieve (the look you are after); he will talk through the achievability of this and how he would go about it and possibly recommend other minor elements to refine to balance out this look.
Please consider reading the Rhinoplasty Preoperative Information sheet for more helpful information on what you can expect from rhinoplasty surgery.
Case studies (before & afters)
Dr Jumeau has prepared and made available numerous case studies to help patients understand the process and illustrate what rhinoplasty can achieve. It is essential to bear in mind that all patients are different, and results depend on each patient’s characteristics and desired goals.
About preservation rhinoplasty
Preservation rhinoplasty is a technique that has now found its way into Dr Jumeau’s routine practice.
Preservation Rhinoplasty is not an approach he would give you a choice to have or not. Instead, it is a series of techniques that Dr Jumeau would incorporate into your surgery to a greater or lesser degree, depending on your case’s complexity and structural concerns.
Dr Jumeau performed his first Preservation Rhinoplasty case in June 2018 and has routinely incorporated its principles since September 2019.
Preservation techniques require significantly more study, teaching, and practice. Even an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon requires a concerted effort to master.
Asian rhinoplasty
Asian rhinoplasty can be complex, and the approach usually differs from that in Non-Asian rhinoplasty. I have significant interest and experience in this area.
Depending on specific Asian cultural background, some or all of the below considerations may be relevant. A balanced, natural look is desired that must be in harmony with other Asian facial features. As in all rhinoplasty, some look for subtle changes while others want a big difference. Pre-operatively defining what would look best and what is possible through discussion and image morphing is essential.
Rhinoplasty in athletes
Athletes seeking rhinoplasty are confronted with unique challenges, navigating the delicate balance between enhancing nasal aesthetics and optimising airflow for peak performance, which is especially crucial at elite levels.
Structural rhinoplasty for athletes is complex, requiring meticulous planning to manage the risks of post-operative injury and the potential impact on both functional and aesthetic outcomes.
The timing of surgery, the athlete’s specific sport and associated risk levels, and considerations for future nasal health and public image play critical roles in the decision-making process.
What distinguishes quality surgery (or surgeon) from substandard surgery?
Surgeons are like any trade. They should all have essential qualifications (MBBS and FRACS). Then their ability to achieve good consistent results depends on how much extra specialist training and experience they have had and the quality of that training. Just like tradespeople, not all surgeons are of equal ability.
Here are some questions to consider when choosing a surgeon:
- How many rhinoplasties has the surgeon done? Less than 200? More than 1000? Do they have examples of their work? Rhinoplasty has techniques a surgeon must master, but the quality of their aesthetic eye is an art, not a science. Make sure you like the noses they create.
- What reputable professional societies do they belong to?
- Are they involved in the teaching of rhinoplasty? Do they stay academically up to date (Conferences etc.)?
- Do they do revision work? Do they do structural (functional) work? Do they do cosmetic work?
- Do they offer image morphing?
- What sort of follow up is offered after surgery? One visit in the first month is substandard.
You need to have a good rapport with your surgeon. Do you connect well? Does he understand your wishes and communicate well? Do they seem meticulous in their approach? Do you think they would be approachable if you had concerns post-op?
Not all excellent surgeons necessarily do the hardest/most complex cases, and many can achieve excellent results for those types of noses they know they can do well (or refer to someone who can). It is important both you and your surgeon feel confident you can achieve the desired outcome.
What is the difference between functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is changing the appearance of the nose. Functional rhinoplasty implies this is done to improve nasal function (breathing). Cosmetic rhinoplasty means we are performing the surgery as we dislike the appearance. Many of my cases are both.
If your surgery has a functional component, your hospital fee and a portion of your surgery and anaesthetic fee may be covered by your private health fund. Many surgeons perform just functional or just cosmetic rhinoplasty. The minority perform both.
Is rhinoplasty covered by Medicare?
If you have problems breathing that requires a rhinoplasty, then yes. However, not purely for nasal appearance.
Be aware not all public hospitals offer rhinoplasty surgery and that your wait for surgery will likely be several years. As in the private sector, rhinoplasty surgeons in public hospitals have varying degrees of experience. You cannot choose your surgeon in the public healthcare system.
Should my surgeon have an ENT or Plastic surgery background?
It does not matter. What matters is that your surgeon has a solid background and training in rhinoplasty. The techniques are the same. Advanced training in either specialty introduces rhinoplasty techniques, and those interested often pursue further training once qualified as a specialist. Internationally well-regarded rhinoplasty surgeons come pretty equally from both specialties.
Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?
If you have significant aesthetic (cosmetic) and/or functional (blocked nose) concerns about your nose, then it is worth chatting to your surgeon.
From there, they can discuss the potential complexities your case poses. If you are in good health and have not had surgery before, you are probably a good candidate. If you have had significant trauma or previous nasal surgery, a rhinoplasty specialist may be more advisable.
When is a good age to have a rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty surgery can be quite lengthy as it is technically very challenging, but the recovery is generally straightforward. Two to three weeks of rest are needed, but it is usually not very sore, and the demands on you are minimal. The healthier you are, the more suitable you are for a more prolonged anaesthetic, but any age may be suitable for a rhinoplasty.
The exception to this is children and teenagers. Generally, we wait until your nose has finished growing (16-18 years of age) before offering rhinoplasty. There are rare exceptions to this.
What concerns can rhinoplasty address?
Apart from improving nasal breathing, many aesthetic features of the nose can be altered. These include, but may not be limited to:
- A bump on the bridge
- A large nose
- A boxy or bulbous tip
- Crooked nose
- Asymmetrical nostrils
- Wide nose
- Upturned or droopy nose
- Collapsing nose
- Lumps, grooves or irregularity
Can I have a nice looking nose that also breathes better?
Absolutely. This may not have always been the case in years past, as some techniques achieve small elegant noses by methods that weaken the framework. These techniques are still practised by some but compromise the airway, and the cosmetic outcome is often not long-lasting.
The goal should be good rhinoplasty technique and a lovely natural-looking nose that breathes well and has good long-term structure.
I’ve had a rhinoplasty before. Are there increased risks with revision surgery?
Yes. Revision surgery is often more complex as the soft tissues are more scarred, and your framework may well have been disrupted enough that substantial grafting is required.
In revision work, grafts from rib cartilage are not uncommon, and techniques to help your skin envelope drape better are often employed. This can be some of the most technically challenging surgery performed (in any specialty) and, depending on the case’s complexity, may be referred to a rhinoplasty specialist who regularly does revision work.
Choose your surgeon carefully if you require a revision, as every time your nose is operated on, your chances of achieving the results you want are more challenging or may become impossible.
Can I view concepts of how I would like my nose to look pre-surgery?
Yes. Some surgeons offer this. You can find more information on what we offer here.
Does rhinoplasty leave a scar? What is Open vs Closed rhinoplasty?
For closed rhinoplasty, all the cuts/scars are inside the nose. For open rhinoplasty, a small cut is made externally across the skin bridge between the nostrils (and the others are internal). This cut is discrete, and in almost everyone (including those who often scar poorly elsewhere on their body), it heals very nicely and can be difficult to notice.
I perform mostly open rhinoplasty as I prefer the exposure it offers to achieve a dependable cosmetic and functional outcome. Many techniques used in open rhinoplasty are not possible with closed rhinoplasty.
Around the world, there are extremely skilled practitioners of closed rhinoplasty who can achieve beautiful results. Still, these surgeons are uncommon, and even in their hands, complex cases (especially revisions) are often better suited to the open approach where structure can be more readily rebuilt and secured. This view may not be shared amongst surgeons who only perform closed approach rhinoplasty but is widely accepted amongst the international rhinoplasty community.
Is recovery from rhinoplasty painful?
No. Please refer to my Rhinoplasty Post-Operative notes for precise details. If you need rib cartilage taken, then your chest wall will be quite painful for a week. In some cases, we use irradiated cadaveric rib cartilage, which avoids this.
How to get in touch
If you have any more questions or are interested in taking the next step please contact us to book your initial consultation with Dr Jumeau.